cyulii 发表于 2003-5-22 08:28:51


请问网上的内核2。4。20的抢占补丁,是直接修改源代码吗?请问网上有已经编译通过的抢占内核吗 ?

Dragonfly 发表于 2003-5-22 08:51:13

yes, these kinds of patches are always modify kernel source code directly
i do not if such kernel available,
2.5.x includes it.
check the benchmark on
i am not sure if such a program available. but i think it is not so difficult to write a program to test this.

base on its purpose
+This option reduces the latency of the kernel when reacting to
+real-time or interactive events by allowing a low priority process to
+be preempted even if it is in kernel mode executing a system call.
+This allows applications that need real-time response, such as audio
+and other multimedia applications, to run more reliably even when the
+system is under load due to other, lower priority, processes.
+This option is currently experimental if used in conjuction with SMP
+Say Y here if you are building a kernel for a desktop system, embedded
+system or real-time system.Say N if you are building a kernel for a
+system where throughput is more important than interactive response,
+such as a server system.Say N if you are unsure.
u can have two codes with different priorities. and see if one can get control from another one. design a scenario and implement it.

or if u are lazy to write, u can go its mailing list to answer if sb already wrote one.
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查看完整版本: 关于linux2.4.20抢占的问题。。。,谢谢各位帮个忙,