(3) To edit the Ethernet/bus interface, contact your network administrator to insertappropriate settings. “Activate device when computer starts” and “Allow all users
to enable and disable the device” are optional. If you do not choose to activate the
Ethernet at boot time, run ‘ifup eth0 <IP address>’ in the command line to bring
up the network every time when you restart the system. If you have a DHCP
server installed, you don’t need to key in any IP address. 怎么到处发同样的贴, :-D 注:没有什么有用的信息.
只是叫你开机激活一下你的设备并让所有用记可以使用.说你如果让它没有开机自动激活的话可以用ifup eth0这个命令激活,如果是DHCP动态分配IP的话就不用配置IP了.