amelie 发表于 2003-5-25 21:10:27



PIIX4:IDE controller on PCI bus speed for PIO modes;override with idebus=xx
PIIX4: chipest revision 5
PIIX4:not 100% native mode:will probe irqs later
ide0:BM-DMA at 0xf000-0xf007,BIOS setting:hda:DMA,hdb:pio
ide1:BM-DMA at 0xf008-0xf00f,BIOS setting:hdca:pio,hdd:DMA


Dragonfly 发表于 2003-5-25 23:10:11

which config file u use?
can u save it by mv .config .config.bak
and then cp the configs/kernel-xx-i686.config as .config. then make bzimage, modules, modules_install again. and see what happen?

amelie 发表于 2003-5-26 08:59:47


Dragonfly 发表于 2003-5-26 09:14:04

but that .config is still generated by some commands or else. so hwo u get that file?

amelie 发表于 2003-5-26 09:21:48

呵呵,不太明白你的意思,that .config,还有that file 具体的是指什么哪?

Dragonfly 发表于 2003-5-26 09:52:09

i mean how u generate the .config u use.

amelie 发表于 2003-5-26 10:40:57

哦,呵呵,一般不是在make config,或是make xconfig后如果保存的话都会有
.conifg生成嘛,我用make xconfig。而且即使是什么都不改动,保存后编译内核后

Dragonfly 发表于 2003-5-26 11:01:28

u can copy a default one from configs dir and try. hope so

cnhnln 发表于 2003-5-26 15:43:36


Dragonfly 发表于 2003-5-26 21:34:40

of course, many ide devices can support dma.
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