有没有大虾救我一下。 :P 这么多人都没有提到的问题
我装好了 一切正常 但是我怎么 声音不行呢
要是用控制台声音很难听啊 命令呢 又不知道是什么命令 我的也是rh8。0也是装了不能用,启动gaim--ok,设置帐号--ok,加入插件--(不知道该哪些都加了)ok,登陆--怎么不行啊,右下角说连接到RHN 失败,让我上网注册,可我点了注册,又发现错误。我能上网的啊,为什么呢? :x
什么叫“支持最新的Gaim 0.64 ”?
我用的是Gaim 0.74已经有几个礼拜了
上次装个QQ for Gaim 0.64的插件
好友都没有了,却多出来一个不认识的人 QQ:12610971:FolkQQ::setlogfile:/root/.gaim/qq_debug_output_12610971.log
Gaim has segfaulted and attempted to dump a core file.
This is a bug in the software and has happened through
no fault of your own.
It is possible that this bug is already fixed in CVS.
You can get a tarball of CVS from the Gaim website, at
If you are already using CVS, or can reproduce the crash
using the CVS version, please notify the gaim maintainers
by reporting a bug at
Please make sure to specify what you were doing at the time,
and post the backtrace from the core file. If you do not know
how to get the backtrace, please get instructions at
http://gaim.sourceforge.net/gdb.php. If you need further
assistance, please IM either RobFlynn or SeanEgn and
they can help you.
Aborted (core dumped)
而且还是高速下载 QQ:12610971:FolkQQ::setlogfile:/root/.gaim/qq_debug_output_12610971.log
Gaim has segfaulted and attempted to dump a core file.
This is a bug in the software and has happened through
no fault of your own.
It is possible that this bug is already fixed in CVS.
You can get a tarball of CVS from the Gaim website, at
If you are already using CVS, or can reproduce the crash
using the CVS version, please notify the gaim maintainers
by reporting a bug at
Please make sure to specify what you were doing at the time,
and post the backtrace from the core file. If you do not know
how to get the backtrace, please get instructions at
http://gaim.sourceforge.net/gdb.php. If you need further
assistance, please IM either RobFlynn or SeanEgn and
they can help you.
Aborted (core dumped)
而且还是高速下载 QQ:12610971:FolkQQ::setlogfile:/root/.gaim/qq_debug_output_12610971.log
Gaim has segfaulted and attempted to dump a core file.
This is a bug in the software and has happened through
no fault of your own.
It is possible that this bug is already fixed in CVS.
You can get a tarball of CVS from the Gaim website, at
If you are already using CVS, or can reproduce the crash
using the CVS version, please notify the gaim maintainers
by reporting a bug at
Please make sure to specify what you were doing at the time,
and post the backtrace from the core file. If you do not know
how to get the backtrace, please get instructions at
http://gaim.sourceforge.net/gdb.php. If you need further
assistance, please IM either RobFlynn or SeanEgn and
they can help you.
Aborted (core dumped)
而且还是高速下载 还是一样的和xmms有冲突 还是一样的和xmms有冲突 :roll: 我在Redflag 4.0 sever 上装GAIM 0。64版时,出现了liaobao.so.2出现关连错误的问题,请高手指教!!!我的EMIAL:[email protected] :roll: 我在Redflag 4.0 sever 上装GAIM 0。64版时,出现了liaobao.so.2出现关连错误的问题,请高手指教!!!
请教,有关gaim +QQ redflag 4.0
:roll: 我在Redflag 4.0 sever 上装GAIM 0。64版时,出现了liaobao.so.2出现关连错误的问题,请高手指教!!!请教,有关gaim +QQ redflag 4.0
:roll: 我在Redflag 4.0 sever 上装GAIM 0。64版时,出现了liaobao.so.2出现关连错误的问题,请高手指教!!! 我从公社下的gaim64-qq插件的打包下载,不管我是自己编译,还是安装rpm包,都出现以下错误:我自己始终连接上不,但我的好友却看见我已经上线了!
# gaim
QQ:11111111:Start with PID:0x011a
QQ:11111111:bind socket to IP:
QQ:11111111:Adding socket notifier: 8 0 (144)
QQ:11111111:FolkQQ::qq_send():Sending Packet PID:0x011b,CMD:0x22(Login2) to Main
Server( len:92
QQ:11111111:FolkQQUDPQueue::To server packet PID:0x011b(Login2) is now resending
for the 2 times
QQ:11111111:FolkQQ::qq_send():Sending Packet PID:0x011b,CMD:0x22(Login2) to Main
Server( len:92
QQ:11111111:FolkQQUDPQueue::To server packet PID:0x011b(Login2) is now resending
for the 3 times
QQ:11111111:FolkQQ::qq_send():Sending Packet PID:0x011b,CMD:0x22(Login2) to Main
Server( len:92
QQ:11111111:FolkQQUDPQueue::To server packet PID:0x011b(Login2) is now resending
for the 4 times
QQ:11111111:FolkQQ::qq_send():Sending Packet PID:0x011b,CMD:0x22(Login2) to Main
Server( len:92
QQ:11111111:FolkQQUDPQueue::To server packet PID:0x011b(Login2) is now resending
for the 5 times
QQ:11111111:FolkQQ::qq_send():Sending Packet PID:0x011b,CMD:0x22(Login2) to Main
Server( len:92
(gaim:4521): GLib-CRITICAL **: file gmain.c: line 1502 (g_source_remove): assertion `tag > 0' failed
(gaim:4521): GLib-CRITICAL **: file gmain.c: line 1502 (g_source_remove): assertion `tag > 0' failed
QQ:11111111:Removing socket notifier: 8 0 (144)
QQ:11111111:free free_alluser_info
Gaim has segfaulted and attempted to dump a core file.
This is a bug in the software and has happened through
no fault of your own.
It is possible that this bug is already fixed in CVS.
You can get a tarball of CVS from the Gaim website, at
If you are already using CVS, or can reproduce the crash
using the CVS version, please notify the gaim maintainers
by reporting a bug at
Please make sure to specify what you were doing at the time,
and post the backtrace from the core file. If you do not know
how to get the backtrace, please get instructions at
http://gaim.sourceforge.net/gdb.php. If you need further
assistance, please IM either RobFlynn or SeanEgn and
they can help you.