兄弟们 !我的浏览器只能开一个窗口!我下载了一个浏览器不能用我要不要重装系统还是放弃!linux 严重建议你阅读这篇文章!Why you shouldn't use linux
You probably already know the advantages of Linux. Even if it may seems contradictory for a site dedicated to Linux, I think that's important that new users and beginners know the disadvantages and limitations of Linux. This knowledge is essential to correctly evaluate if Linux will meet your needs. It will also make deceptions less likely, since you will know what are the main limitations of the OS.
So, don't use linux if:
- You must be functionnal rapidly
Even if the initial installation and configuration are rapidly done, an adaptation period is required before being productive. Don't forget that Linux isn't Windows. The small tricks that you have gained in years of use of Windows will probably not work under Linux. You will also have to learn to use new applications, differents from the ones you're accustomed to.
Just remember the first time you have used Windows. You haven't learned everything you now know in only one day. This will be the same thing with Linux. Don't expect to be at the level of knowledge you have attained after years of work under Windows in only some hours with Linux.
- You need to use Windows applications
Let's put it frankly, unless a Linux version of your Windows application exist (very rare), your Windows applications will not work under Linux. If you don't want to learn the equivalent applications available for Linux or if they don't fit your needs, you're probably better to forget Linux and stay with Windows. However, note that you can install Windows and Linux on the same PC. In this way, you can use the applications from both OS and go for a much easier transition. You will get best of both world... You may also read the article Linux Alternatives to Windows Applications to know some viable replacements to popular Windows applications.
- You use your computer mainly for games
Very few game editors publish Linux version of their games. So, if you're a fan of the latest and newest games, you will have no other choice than to use Windows. However, note that you can install Windows and Linux on the same PC. That way, you can use Windows for the games and Linux for anything else...
- You don't want the use the console
No matter which distribution you choose to use, sooner or later you will have to use the console. Some tasks, for configuration and adminstration of the system, can only be done with the console. In addition, once you know the basic commands, it's often faster and more efficient to do some operations with the console rather than with the graphical interface. In short, if you really want to take advantage of everything your Linux system has to offer, you will have to learn the basic commands of the console and what they are used for.
- Your hardware isn't powerful enough
You have heard or read that Linux can run quite well on your old Pentium 100 ? That's true. But without graphical interface and a minimum of applications. If you want to use a recent Linux version with all the features and the latest graphical interface, you need to have a relatively powerful computer. As a rule of thumb, if the computer you are planning to use with Linux isn't powerful enough to run Windows XP, it will not be powerful enough to run the latest distribution in a satisfactory manner. If you want to know if your hardware is powerful enough, read the article on hardware requirements.
- You have incompatible hardware
If you have uncommon hardware, take some time to check the hardware compatibility list for your chosen distribution. Unfortunately, many hardware manufacturers don't support Linux directly. It means that many drivers have to be written by wilful programmers. From that, it's easy to understand that the less peoples use a specific hardware, the less are the chances that one of this programmer actually owns that hardware and write a Linux driver for it. For more information on support for your hardware, you can look at the hardware compatibility list for Mandrake or Red Hat.
- You don't want to read any documentation
Reading documentation isn't essential, but it will save you a lot of precious time. Your adaptation to your new system will be faster and you will be productive in much less time. As a mimimum, read the basic information and manuals for your distribution, most of them being available for free (Mandrake manuals are available here). There's also many web site that contains a lot of useful information.
Now that you know all the advantages and disadvantages of Linux, you're ready to choose a distribution.
http://www.uselinuxathome.com/ENnolinux.htm 严重建议没看过的人都看看这篇文章! 严重建议你阅读这篇文章!
至於浏览器的问题,请说清楚一点你的系统装置,使用的 Linux 版本,和用哪个浏览器。
使用 Mozilla/Firebird 的话可按 Ctrl-T 去启动 Tab browsing。 判断什么?我并没有判断楼主应该继续用LINUX还是回到WINDOWS
这不是什么反LINUX的MS FAN写的,是LINUX USER写的(我附了出处的链接)
我的网友问我意见时,我就是建议他们看这篇文章后自己决定 Thank you I english is poorbut i knowit!!
我彻底检查了我的系统! 噢 我忘记! 我的机器中装了win98 win2k win2003net
由于分区太多!我没有分交换分区! 故
谢谢你!对我劝告! 希望我们能成为好朋友 判断什么?我并没有判断楼主应该继续用LINUX还是回到WINDOWS
若你只是在回应题目「我要放弃linux吗!!」而有此回覆,我也是要表达我的看法,表示在此情况下「放弃 Linux」言之尚早。
文章主题中译後的意思是「为何不应使用 Linux」(Why you shouldn't use linux),那就有鼓励人不用 Linux 的意味,我了解其内容倒不是这样,这可要花点时间细心阅读全文才知。
这不是什么反LINUX的MS FAN写的,是LINUX USER写的(我附了出处的链接)
没有人说谁是 MS/Linux FANS 或 Hater。
说也奇怪,我也见过一些 Linux FANS 叫人不要用 Linux, 说这不是 Windows,不是让惯用 Windows 的「傻瓜」来使用的系统(这倒不是我的意见)。
刚看上文,原来已解决了,好! :-) 判断什么?我并没有判断楼主应该继续用LINUX还是回到WINDOWS
我也是要表达我的看法,表示在此情况下「放弃 Linux」言之尚早。
文章主题中译後的意思是「为何不应使用 Linux」(Why you shouldn't use linux),那就有鼓励人不用 Linux 的意味,我了解其内容倒不是这样,这可要花点时间细心阅读全文才知。
是你没有看完全文,就草草从标题断定我是反对楼主用LINUX。。。 也就是说你楼上的贴是在回楼主的,那你怎么回给了我,还引用了我的回话?
我再次重复,没有人要说谁是 MS/Linux Fans/Hater 8) 。
该引文的标题是「为何不应使用 Linux」,平心而论,这个标题反映了 Linux Fans 抑或 Hater 的取向?
当然,你可以说我也被误导了,这样吧,叫读者不要被这个标题误导了,文章的内容是另一回事,这样清楚了吧。 :wink: 1,我选择看完全文来理解一篇文章,你选择看标题就够了,UP TO YOU!
3,这篇文章的标题Why you shouldn't use linux ,完全反映了这篇文章的主旨
你的问题在于你看到"why you should't use linux",你主观产生了一些想法
我当初是在USENET上的LINUX相关组看到的,转贴的也是个LINUX USER
他看到这篇文章的标题时要是和你的做法一样,他也不会转贴了! 但事实上不是每个人都和你一样(只看标题,加上主观判断,就开始回应文章)
这句说话对任何人都适用(亦要看他的时间多不多),我想,关於这个嘛,公社的读者现在因著我们的讨论,都请先阅读全文才判断其用处了。 :wink:
但文章的标题订得好不好,会不会误导,就真的要平心而论。 PS:我之所以说你应该回楼主的贴,而不是回我
是因为你上面说"我也是要表达我的看法,表示在此情况下「放弃 Linux」言之尚早。 "
如果你阅读LINUX的文档时也是这种态度,正文嫌长,只看个标题就。。。我也不多说什么了,UP TO U ! 没时间可以不看,但没时间就可以只看标题然后回应?这就是你的逻辑?!
我取消订阅这个THREAD了,实在没兴趣鸡同鸭讲。。。 PS:我之所以说你应该回楼主的贴,而不是回我
是因为你上面说"我也是要表达我的看法,表示在此情况下「放弃 Linux」言之尚早。 "
明白,即使是 "严重建议你阅读这篇文章!" 你也没有下意见,而该文章及标题的作者也不是你,这也说得通。
不管如何,公社的读者们还是请看毕全文再作判断,这是你要强调的讯息,我也是支持的。 :mrgreen:
还有 It's up to 每一位读者,不只我一个呢。 :wink:
不管每个人的时间如何运用,标题写得好不好,仍是要平心而论。 两位老大,看你们的贴看的我头晕,太长了,我一看见字多的贴就晕 :?:shock: