:-( 我用的是rh9,kde,经常会发现屏幕上没有任何反映,但是键盘的num lock的灯还能闪亮,说明只是kde除了问题,内核还在工作,机器没有死到底,我想问问,在rh9中有没象windows下的alt+ctr+del这样的解决机器问题的紧急快捷键 Use CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE to kill X.Or if you know which program is causing the problem, you can use CTRL+ALT+F2 to get out to a console.Then you can kill the process that's causing problems. 但是当我用CTRL+ALT+F2出来的时候再用startx就回不去了,怎么办啊 No need to startx.The X session is still running.To switch back to X, just do CTRL+ALT+F7. 谢谢,听君一席话,胜读十年书啊,呵呵