屏保不能用,只是出现黑屏!怎样解决? :lol: 只能设置一下, 不能设为随机! root用户不能用屏保! On my Red Hat 9, root can use screensaver as well.You probably chose a screensaver that requires OpenGL support and your system doesn't support it.Try using a non-OpenGL screensaver. On my Red Hat 9, root can use screensaver as well.
You probably chose a screensaver that requires OpenGL support and your system doesn't support it.Try using a non-OpenGL screensaver.
yeah?But mine can't.would you please tell me how to do? In KDE, you can just configure the screensaver in Control Center.I won't go into details there.
In GNOME, you have to do the following after starting X.
#xhost +localhost
xscreensaver-demo is the setup program for xscreensaver.To test that this will work, select a screensaver that doesn't require GL first.By default it's set to random.
NOTE:THIS IS NOT A SECURE PRACTICE!!YOU SHOULD NOT RUN X AS ROOT IN THE FIRST PLACE.Always log in as a regular user and su to root as needed.