dre 发表于 2003-7-5 11:21:40


屏保不能用,只是出现黑屏!怎样解决? :lol:

rianren 发表于 2003-7-5 15:09:58

只能设置一下, 不能设为随机! root用户不能用屏保!

huangdi 发表于 2003-7-5 16:47:31

On my Red Hat 9, root can use screensaver as well.

You probably chose a screensaver that requires OpenGL support and your system doesn't support it.Try using a non-OpenGL screensaver.

fwr 发表于 2003-7-6 12:40:38

On my Red Hat 9, root can use screensaver as well.

You probably chose a screensaver that requires OpenGL support and your system doesn't support it.Try using a non-OpenGL screensaver.
yeah?But mine can't.would you please tell me how to do?

huangdi 发表于 2003-7-6 14:40:53

In KDE, you can just configure the screensaver in Control Center.I won't go into details there.

In GNOME, you have to do the following after starting X.
#xhost +localhost

xscreensaver-demo is the setup program for xscreensaver.To test that this will work, select a screensaver that doesn't require GL first.By default it's set to random.

NOTE:THIS IS NOT A SECURE PRACTICE!!YOU SHOULD NOT RUN X AS ROOT IN THE FIRST PLACE.Always log in as a regular user and su to root as needed.
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