如何关掉hardware check!
RH linux每次启动时都要进行starting check new hardware.严重影响开机速度,有没有办法关掉它。到添加了新硬件是再启用它。 /sbin/chkconfig --del kudzu 要是需要再次启用呢 Maybe you can stop it in the gui/redhat-config-serivces Do NOT use chkconfig --del.It will delete all related entries and symbolic links in /etc/rc*.d directories.It is used to remove a service from chkconfig management.To "stop" kudzu from starting in all running levels, do as root
#chkconfig kudzu off
To "stop" kudzu from starting in level 3, do
#chkconfig --level 3 kudzu off
To "start" kudzu in all levels, do
#chkconfig kudzu on
To "start" kudzu in level 3 only, do
#chkconfig --level 3 kudzu on 大家的设定真复杂化.
start menu>system settings> severs>services>kudzu
uncheck the box or check it! But that's five levels down in the menu!!!
It's fine to use GUIs, but don't depend on it too much.When you start to manage lots of systems remotely, GUIs don't help you!!That's why it's essential to understand and master command line operations.
Learn chkconfig, you will appreciate the power of command line. ha ha ha,GUI is a must for newbie like me.
but i am slowly learning it la, ai, it is pissing me off. ha ha ha Thank u sooo much! Now I've shut the kudzu!! setup-->services