求助:redhat9不识sata 格式硬盘
求助:redhat9不识sata 格式硬盘:用光盘启动安装redhat9,找不到硬盘。
我的硬盘是希捷 sata 120g,c盘装xp。
请帮助解决。 Which motherboard do you have?I have a set of RH9 CD that will allow you to install directly onto SATA drives on Intel 875 and 865 chipset based motherboards.Contact me offline to get the CD. 谢谢指点。我的机器是DELL4600品牌机, 主板应该是865chipset的。 Red Hat 9 installer does not have support for SATA drive on that board.We have to fix quite a few things to get it to work.I can provide the CDs or ftp it to a server somewhere so that everyone can install on SATA drives on 865 and 875 boards.
We tested install on the following boards
-All Intel 875 and 865 boards
-All ASUS 875 and 865 boards
Let me know what you want to do.