安装ACPI PATCH遇到的棘手问题...在线等高手
当我安照http://www.condorito.org/toshiba/安装ACPI PATCH的时候,命令输入到patch -p1 < acpi-20030619-2.4.21.diff那一行,> patch -p1 < acpi-20030619-2.4.21.diff
can't find file to patch at input line 4
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|diff -Naur -X /root/bin/dontdiff a/arch/i386/config.in b/arch/i386/config.in
|--- a/arch/i386/config.in 2003-06-20 10:57:03.000000000 -0700
|+++ b/arch/i386/config.in 2003-06-20 11:00:29.000000000 -0700
File to patch:
说找不到路径. 我已经一步一步按照上面做,快竭方式也建了,但是为什么还找不到路径呢?应该怎么办?
请高手指教 Your current directory should be the linux source directory to run the patch command. Could you give more details including the command prompt?