greenhand 发表于 2003-8-29 15:43:21

RedHat linux中sbin下命令的源代码在什么地方?

RedHat linux中如下命令的源代码在什么地方阿?(ifconfig、cardmgr、iwconfig),各位大虾帮帮忙阿!谢谢拉!

Dragonfly 发表于 2003-8-29 23:03:32

these are not kernel source. u need to check which package they come from and get that package source.

like ifconfig, come from net-tools 1.60 - 12, so u should check net-tools-1.60-12.src.rpm

kissinger 发表于 2003-9-19 12:00:03

net-tools-1.60-12.src.rpm 安装后在什么地方呢?

yuchuan 发表于 2003-10-25 16:12:40


jjww 发表于 2003-10-25 16:56:39

rpm -Uvh net-tools-1.60-12.src.rpm
bzip2 -dc xxx.bz2 | tar xvf -即可获得source
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