我的电脑是sis650的显示卡(精英移动PC),安装了redhat9.0,现在问题来了,显示分辨率为800*600,怎么调也调不到1024*768.请教大虾帮助啊! 你的显示器调的对吗? 大概在/usr/local/bih/目录下有一系列命令‘redhat-config-XXX',其中就有一个是调整分辨率的。 下拉列表里有1024*768这一项,选择了之后机器要求注销一下,但是我注销过后还是不行的啊。现在这么大的图标和字体,难看的呢。急! 我说错了,在/sbin目录下,运行redhat-config-xfree86,再按你的要求配置一下,确定-注销即可! 先打开/etc/X11/XF86Config看看有没有支持1024*768的模式没有按照它的样子加上去
注意是小键盘上的+,- 先打开/etc/X11/XF86Config看看有没有支持1024*768的模式
注意是小键盘上的+,- hackerfang, 兄, 我的是华硕的本本,也是SIS650,显示驱动是VESA,进系统时,
会有花屏,我考! :o 你有吗? 进去的时候会有花屏一闪而过,我的也是,但是不影响后面的使用! VESA is generic driver, it displays in 800*600 resolution. Do you change the video driver after finished Linux installation? If so, you should download new driver to install and modify your XF86Config('Device Setion': Change 'Driver' item). I had the same problem, but my Video card is intel 845, and the monitor is Dell E151FP, now it works well. VESA is generic driver, it displays in 800*600 resolution. Do you change the video driver after finished Linux installation? If so, you should download new driver to install and modify your XF86Config('Device Setion': Change 'Driver' item). I had the same problem, but my Video card is intel 845, and the monitor is Dell E151FP, now it works well.
how to change the video driver?
do i need to download?
my video card is also inter 845 我也是sis650的用1024*678没问题
x启动的时候有花屏,不过马上就好了 我用集成的 sis 630 ,是 LCD 显示器。
系统装好后,默认也是 800x 600。
后来我把显示器改成 “通用的 1024x768 60 Hz LCD 显示器” 就 OK 了 !
how to change the video driver?
do i need to download?
my video card is also inter 845
hi, did you solve this problem? If not, please read this article:
So you need to download the new driver for your intel845:
But at step 4, please try to change the X path as '/etc/X11', then at last, edit your 'XF86Config' file:
1) run 'vi /etc/X11/XF86Config';
2) Find 'Device' setion and edit 'Driver' item:
############Before modify##################
Section "Device"
# no known options
Identifier"VESA driver (generic)"
Driver "VESA driver (generic)"
VendorName"VESA driver (generic)"
BoardName "VESA driver (generic)"
############After modify##################
Section "Device"
# no known options
Identifier"VESA driver (generic)"
Driver "i810"
VendorName"VESA driver (generic)"
BoardName "VESA driver (generic)"
3) restartx your x server.