haizhilan 发表于 2003-9-6 18:25:09



haizhilan 发表于 2003-9-6 18:28:47

不好意思,附件粘不上来,提示是这样的:错误#1201 ext2 superblock contains illegal information

EdwardRF 发表于 2003-9-6 19:04:46

do you mean that you used PQ to make that ext3 partition?
and have you ever successfully use that partition with linux before?
if there is no critical data in your ext3 partition, i suggest you format it and check the surface fully.

haizhilan 发表于 2003-9-6 19:32:00


haizhilan 发表于 2003-9-6 19:36:39


Joker_cn 发表于 2003-9-6 19:37:31

建议在安装的过程中用fdisk或disk druid分区
2.ext2和ext3在dos ,win里面的软件认出来是一样的

EdwardRF 发表于 2003-9-7 09:48:21

it seems your PQ maked the trouble. would you mind if you provide the errors reported by fsck?

haizhilan 发表于 2003-9-7 20:30:38

EdwardRF, 太惨了,果然是硬盘有坏道了,今天系统自检时提示我了,而且进不了linux系统了,怎么办那?我系统原先是xp的,后来用linux,用PQ软件分了一个4g的区作双系统,格式为ext2,我现在打算把那个linux分区改回fat的,再用dos重新分区,把坏道分出去,但现在用PQ格式还改不过来,因为有错误,过不去了
/contains a file system with errors , check forced
Entry"rarlinux-3.2.0.tar.gz"in/home/zbl(361151) has deleted/unused.inode 231007. CLEARED
/:Entry"rarlinux-3.2.0.tar.gz"in/home/zbl(361151) has deleted/unused.inode 231009. CLEARED
/:*****REBOOT LINUX ******
/:102202/1041408 files (0.6% non-contiguous),515357/1024135 blocks

EdwardRF 发表于 2003-9-9 16:39:22

bad tracks is the cancer for harddrives, it will grow gradually.
Though you can avoid the bad tracks now, it will affect other tracks later. i've seen a few similar cases some are slow some are fast.
The best one i saw is the hard drive die after one year when the first bad track is found. the worst ( which is mine) did not manage to survive for a month.
Start to save money today, prepare for a new one...
sorry about that.
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