请问那有Linux内核原代码下载,用什么编译。 原代码到处都是,可以到天网搜一下,用linux-xxxx,其中xxxx是你想要的版本号 to wildcatgskncu:我想要在Windows下能看的".c"格式的原码。
顺便问一下,“.tar”格式在Windows下如何打开来看? WinRAR winzip.
minsj, i am afraid to see the stop sign. once upon a time, i forgot to stop at one stop sign and the police gave me a $40 ticket. And my car insurance increase $40 per half year as well. so u scary me. so u scary me.
抱歉!明天我再换个图标 谢谢minsj,用WinRAR搞掂。
下一个问题:用什么编译。有编译器下载吗? GCC
http://www.linuxfans.org/nuke/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=37288 sorry, it is only a joke, u need not to really change u icon.
ifu like that one, u can still use it, :)