mv patch-2.6.0 /usr/src/linux-2.6.0-test5
cd /usr/src/linux-2.6.0-test5
patch -p1 < patch-2.6.0-test5
这样以后有无穷尽的问题出来,无法一一回答. where u get this patch-2.6.0? for what purpose? kernel.org,in the same directory with the kernel.
The problem is that since the kernel and the kernel patch lie in the same dir,the kernel might have been patched!So, i guess, the kernel 2.6.0-test5 needs no patch any more!
Is that so? u only need to dl http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-2.6.0-test5.tar.bz2 directly. it needs not to be patched.