hujx 发表于 2003-10-5 21:37:50

RedHat Linux9.0不认识我的小“猫”

我有一块内置小“猫”,在Windows下装好驱动后显示为HSP 56 micromodem ,在驱动光盘上能找到forLinux的驱动,但我不知道怎样安装?小“猫”用的是PCTEL的芯片。
驱动的下载地址是                     天狼星内置pctel789 for Linux

Raffaello 发表于 2003-10-6 09:54:15

0) Unpack the tarball by typing "tar zxvf pctel-0.8.5.tar.gz"

1) Go into that directory by typing "cd pctel-0.8.5"

2) Find out what chipset you have in your board:

3) ./configure

Select one of: pct789, cm8738, i810intel, i810sis, via686a

If you don't have your kernel sources at /usr/src/linux, specifiy
your includes

4) Compile the modules by typing "make"

5) If everything went fine, get root by typing "su"

7) Install the drivers by typing "make install"

8) You are now ready to use your modules.
Type "insmod pctel" and "insmod ptserial".

hujx 发表于 2003-10-6 17:00:50

我的英文不是很好,Linux的一些命令也不是很清楚。我以前自己试着装过,没有成功。在终端提示符下打入./configure但是提示为: command not found.

Raffaello 发表于 2003-10-6 22:12:15


hujx 发表于 2003-10-10 10:18:05

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