我在安装red hat 9.0时,运行autoboot后,出现以下提示:CPU is in V86-mode (may be WINDOWS, EMM386, QEMM, 386MAX, ...)
You need pure 386/486 real mode or a VCPI server to boot Linux
VCPI is supported by most EMS drivers (if EMS is enabled),
but never under MS-WINDOWS (MICROSOFT doesn't like P0 for users)
If loading via VCPI you also MUST have:
1. An interceptable setup-code (Javiers method, see MANUAL.TXT)
or DEVICE=BIOSINTV.SYS as the very first command in CONFIG.SYS
or create a C:\REALBIOS.INT file using the REALBIOS.EXE utility.
2. Identical Physical-to-Virtual mapping for the first 640 Kbytes
Your current DOS/CPU configuration is:
load buffer size: 0x00000 setup buffer size: 0x3E00
total memory: 0x0100000
CPU is in V86 mode
SetupIntercept: NO
stat2: cpu_V86, but no VCPI available (check aborted)
input params size 0x0000
input params:
LOADLIN started from DOS-prompt
Warning: no free memory(load buffer size)