linux新手求救:笔记本的硬件配置--鼠标 显示器
我用的是sony PCG--FX55G在有关网站都查过了 没有这种型号 这可能是只在日本销售的bb,现在安装了redhat9,一切正常,但是usb的机械带滚轮的鼠标不能用,只有笔记本上的鼠标可以用,系统配置中的鼠标选项中选择了usb鼠标还是不行--怎么办_?还有主板市815的 4兆显存 15吋显示器,可是分辨率只有800*600,即使设定成1024 从新启动后仍然是800 应该怎样配置-?
我是新手 本来打算从现在起加入linux行列,可刚刚起步就遇到了麻烦,请戈文高手救救我,说得越详细越好。谢谢了 For USB mouse, you may need to recompile your kernel (in case the modules are not included by default), enable the following options:
Input core support -> Input core support
Input core support -> Mouse support
USB support -> Support for USB
USB support -> UHCI (Intel PIIX4, VIA, ...) support
USB support -> USB Human Interface Device (full HID) support
USB support -> HID input layer support
If you compile the above options as modules, you may have to load the modules into memory before using the mouse.
If you want to use wheel, add the following line into your /etc/X11/XF86Config (or XF86Config-4)'s "InputDevice" section of your mouse:
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
Thats it, good luck ;p