我用的是红帽子9.0,我发现每次系统启动后NumLock的灯是灭的,我习惯用小键盘输入数字,这样每次都得按下NumLock键才能输数字,有没有办法在进入系统后NumLock的灯自动亮的?谢谢! 编辑/etc/rc.d/rc.local加一行setleds -D +num
就可以使进入系统后NumLock的灯自动亮 我先试试 好象没用 是呀,我试了也不行呀. 我是使用文字模式登陆的是可以实现的
我现在公司是windows要回去看看再服帖 http://www.start-linux.com/print.php?id=139
刚好看到,不过我还没试,很少用小键盘 装上了,好使
不过路径有点问题,make install后装去了/usr/bin/bin/numlockx
正如redhat71 Linux中级社员所提供的网址那里有解
正如redhat71 Linux中级社员所提供的网址那里有解决方案文本登陆可以使用的方法,对X界面无效:
for t in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
setleds -D +num < /dev/tty$t > /dev/null
# This is my X server start up file
# Add any programs you want to have running when X starts here
# Make sure they all end with a &
numlockx on &
# Now add your windows manager here.
# I have included some examples, just remove the # in the beginning for yours
In your X server
You would think that if you set the default setting to on in the console, that it would carry over to you X server, but NO. That would not be that easy. (Hopefully they will fix this in future versions) As of now the only way I know how to do this is with the help of a little program called numlockx. You can find numlockx at http://dforce.sh.cvut.cz/~seli/en/numlockx/ or I have also placed a copy at my website http://ourworld.cs.com/kvsmaster/files/numlockx-1.0.tar.gz.
Installing numlockx
If you have never installed from source, don't worry this one is simple. If you have installed from source before, then you can skip this section.
1. Change to the directory where you saved the file, and extract the archive by typing:
tar -zxvf numlockx-1.0.tar.gz
2. Change into the new directory by typing:
cd numlockx-1.0
3. Install the program. I know there are different ways to do this, but to keep it simple, I use the following method:
1. su to root if you are not already logged in as root.
2. Type http://www.start-linux.com/configure && make && make install
You will see a lot of text fly by, but as long as you do not see the word ERROR, your ok.
4. I usually check to see if things went O.K. by logging out as root (if you used su then just type exit), then type numloc and press TAB, if the command is completed, your OK.
Now that you have numlockx installed, you will have to include it into your X server start-up file. This should be a hidden file named .xinitrc in your HOME directory. You can check by doing a ls -a at your HOME directory. If you do not have one, then you can just create one.
# exec gnome-session
# exec startkde
# exec blackbox 谢谢各位.可是你们提供的两个下载软件包的站点都打不开.能不能另外再提供一些站点?谢谢! .. 前些时候看到一贴写的是: 可在/etc/X11/XF86Config里Keyboard段加入:
# Let the server do the NumLock processing. This should only be
# required when using pre-R6 clients
KControl Center --> Peripherals(外设) --> Keyboard(键盘)-->KDE启动时NumLock的状态设置为打开。 好东西。。。怎么不早写出来。。。每次进入LINUX都要去按一下“Numlock”。。晕!!! :shock::-D :oops: