my questions about linux basic
I am a new user of linux,I am pazzled for some questions,please give me some help,see down please:
1)I can not understand the input method,is it an simple application,or a complex thing?
I installed the redflag input method and I can only use it for some times.What is xim server and what is upimd?Can you tell me the xim server and upimd and rfinput 's relationship?
2)I can not catch the differrence between the rpm installation method and the "make install" installation method.How to find what has been installed in my system?
Can I uninstall the application installed by "make install" method using the "rpm -e package" command ?
3)When I shutdown my system I can see the error message in black background and white text mode if I have installed the redflag input method.Should I close the input method first before I reboot my computer?
thank you reading this article 1. xim server说简单点是一个应用程序跟输入法程序之间的接口,输入法通过xim server把文字输入到应用程序里面,rfinput是一个输入法的名称,也是redflag的输入法的软件包的名称,upimd是这个输入法具体运行的程序的名称。
2. rpm安装的时候已经向rpm管理程序注册了相关信息,所以可以通过rpm -e xxx 的方法卸载,但是make install的却不可以。如果你要卸载make install方式安装的程序,可以在还保留有源代码的情况下,进入相应源代码的目录运行make uninstall,没有了的话,找到你安装的程序所在的目录(这个要看你自己装到哪里了,一般没有指定过的话在/usr/local/xxx),直接删除就可以了。
3. 这个无所谓,能用就行,不放心的话贴上来帮你看看。 谢谢你,看我已经安装了红旗输入法,可以打汉字了,
就是使用起来不太稳定,不过非常高兴:) 你用拼音的话推荐SCIM