luyee 发表于 2003-12-19 17:07:28

How to install KDE

How to install KDE?
In text model I runed this commander :
#rpm -Uvh *.rpm --nodeps --force
but there is nothing happend when I reboot system :(
What can I do about this?
My OS Fedora Core 1
I'm usingMac OS now There is something wrong with input Chinese So.......

Bluedata 发表于 2003-12-19 20:10:24


luyee 发表于 2003-12-21 14:36:32


caihua 发表于 2003-12-21 18:43:37

:shock: 哪你想怎么样?只是…………能进入KDE界面?仅此而已?拿来观赏?看他和G有何区别? :?

luyee 发表于 2003-12-22 11:12:34

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