gongcon 发表于 2004-2-14 06:45:19

some problems in upgrading 2.6

After I upgraded my 2.4.18 to 2.6.2, it seemed anything was OK except:

1.network: I built my NIC(RealTek 8139) driver to kernel. Now it cannot be brought up at boot time, but I can bring it up after boot.
(PS: How to bring up the network with dhcp by using ifconfig?)

2.Sound card.

3. Some other "Fatal" messages that I cannot see because it goes too fast and I'm not able to find the boot log file.

gongcon 发表于 2004-2-17 01:41:53

Is there anybody know what happened?
I ran dhclient, but it show a message: Unrecognized kernel version

Dragonfly 发表于 2004-2-17 09:07:44

no idea, i run 2.6.2 on my rh9 fine....

gongcon 发表于 2004-2-18 04:32:08

I found the solution:
in /sbin/dhclient, change "2..*)"   to   "2..*)"
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