我的网卡是板载的MCP NVIDIA MAC + Realtek RTL8201BL PHYRTL,redhat9.0下不支持,郁闷啊。想请教各位哪里可以下到它的驱动。不过我在realtek的网站上说不需要驱动!
(RTL8201x does NOT require any driver to operate! Please read me.)
The Ethernet hardware consists of two parts: a PHY chip, and a MAC chip. It's the MAC chip that requires the drivers. RTL8201x is a PHY only chip which does NOT need any driver at all. If you have RTL8201x in your computer system, there must be another MAC chip in the system too. Most likely, the MAC chip is embedded in the chipset. Please contact the board or computer provider to find out which MAC chip is in your system and how to get the drivers for it.
大家帮帮忙啊! 贴出你的/etc/modules.conf 如下: Why it is nvnet?
Are U sure it's right? 呵呵,nvnet!和我的一样. 为什么会有Option指定IO端口和IRQ之类的东东? 我的网卡是TP-Link 8139,为什么我的网卡在RedHat8.0 9.0都能自动装好,而RedHat AS 2.1 3.0 以及Fedora Core 1 ,Redhat 7.2就不行,系统能认到网卡芯片,但怎么设置都不行,我下载了厂家的Linux驱动,编译安装都报错不成功。是因为gcc版本不同吗?
我的也是这样子哟。 我已经装好了,谢谢大家!
那个什们IRQ 之类是我在WIN里面看到的。 怎么装好的,说说。我的网卡也有问题,帮帮忙 你到这里去看看吧!