rt,另外透明度和阴影怎么调节? 颜色定义在主题里头,似乎没办法独立更改。透明度和阴影指的是什么? ???主题里面我没找到啊,我的主题里只能控制窗口外观和图标我说的透明和阴影是指下拉菜单的效果,可以改么? 如果你是用的我的 rpm 而获得的菜单阴影,应该可以受这个控制:
There are a couple of parameters that can be adjusted using the gtkrc file (either from a theme or from $HOME/.gtkrc-2.0)
* gtk-menu-drop-shadow : When set to 0, menu shadow will be turned off. Any non-zero value enables menu shadow (default value: 1)
* gtk-menu-shadow-delay : The delay before the shadow appears. The shadow is delayed to give some time to the underlying application to refresh its window. You can increase or decrease this value to adjust the shadow to your system (default: 100)
from http://www.xfce.org/gtkmenu-shadow/
透明我就不知道你在说什么了,该不会是 keithp 的 Xouvert 吧? 如果你是用的我的 rpm 而获得的菜单阴影,应该可以受这个控制:
There are a couple of parameters that can be adjusted using the gtkrc file (either from a theme or from $HOME/.gtkrc-2.0)
* gtk-menu-drop-shadow : When set to 0, menu shadow will be turned off. Any non-zero value enables menu shadow (default value: 1)
* gtk-menu-shadow-delay : The delay before the shadow appears. The shadow is delayed to give some time to the underlying application to refresh its window. You can increase or decrease this value to adjust the shadow to your system (default: 100)
from http://www.xfce.org/gtkmenu-shadow/
透明我就不知道你在说什么了,该不会是 keithp 的 Xouvert 吧?
这真的是你作的吗?如果答案肯定,我只说一个字:强! :oops::oops::oops: 太不好意思了,我只是从网上收集到这些,然后打成 rpm 而已。