yangomon 发表于 2004-3-8 23:21:59

Help me!Mp3 problems concerned

My X windows plays sound correctly when I logon.
But when I opened a mp3 file using XMMS, It came out a problem without any sound. That is:

1. You have the correct output plugin selected
2. No other programs is blocking the soundcard
3. Your sound is configured properly

Another question concerning flash. the short movie can be played normally in konqueror, but no sound heard. I would be grateful if anyone can help me!

And I choose ALSA in my KDE control panel.
My platform is: SuSe 9.0 English Edition.


Bluedata 发表于 2004-3-8 23:29:08

try arts.

yangomon 发表于 2004-3-9 10:09:16

Both mp3 and flash play very well using artsdsp xmms now!
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