scim可以用拼音输入么?如何用,谢谢 有拼音,你去它的网站看看吧。我不用拼音,所以不太了解,只知道它是有拼音的,有点像微软拼音。 安装scim-chinese包,或者去 下载一个ccinput也可以。 scim 能用五笔吗 scim 能用五笔吗可以啊。去
下载 scim-tables-zh-0.3.3-1.noarch.rpm
这个rpm包除了五笔,还有很多其他的输入法 I have installed the scim-tables-zh*.rpm,but didn't find wubi chininput.,only pingying and
nei ma chininput. What's wrong?
Begainning ,I only installed scim9.0 and and scim-chinese-0.2.7-1.i586 package. Afer installed scim-tables package, I find it didm't be used. Is there some other libary package mustbe install or I install wrong package. Please teach me .Tank you!!!!