Linux上的跳舞机 a真是好东西 下载中 能不能用键盘玩? 可以啊,看下面的详细内容Features
* Support for playing with game mats or on the keyboard.
* Reads DWI, SM, and KSF files, in addition to its own .dance format.
* Single (one player), versus (two players, same steps), double (one player, two mats), and couple (two players, different steps) modes.
* 3 panel (DDR Solo beginner), 4 panel (DDR), 5 panel (Pump It Up), 6 panel (DDR Solo), 8 panel (Technomotion), 9 panel, Dance ManiaX, EZ2 Dancer, EZ2 Real, and Parapara-style games, for all of the above modes.
* Autogeneration of steps for modes that don't have them, so your huge DDR song library will now have Pump It Up and Technomotion steps.
* Nonstop courses, single songs, or endless play, with many different types of lifebars, like oni ("battery") or tug of war.
* Many familiar game modifiers like mirror, hidden, and little, as well as new ones like spin and shrink. 谢了!!!!!!!!