新机器, 新问题
刚刚买了一台新电脑: Intel D875PBZLK 主板, P4 2.8G CPU, ATI All-In-Wonder 9600 显卡,MAXTOR 120GB SATA 的硬盘,1G 内存,Logitech CORDLESS MX DUO MX700 键盘/鼠标。Windows XP Professional 工作正常,但Linux总是装不上。用Knoppix 3.2/3.3启动,总是报告有两个CPU;启动以后,基本正常;但安装过程中总是会死机。试了其他的版本(Gentoo 1.4,RedHat 8,Gnoppix,Morphix 0.4),都有各种各样的问题,无法启动,或无法安装,甚至报告说:错误,只找到一个CPU。
Fedora Core 1 的盘刚好不在手上,所以不知道会怎么样,估计也好不到哪里。
请教高手,我该怎么办?(退货已经不可能了,送给你我也舍不得 ;) ),多谢了! 你可以试试在BIOS里面屏蔽超线程看看如何?估计这回是应该可以装上的。
不过觉得很奇怪,我用双P4 Xeon 3.06G安装RH7.3的时候,都没有这个问题。系统会自动识别为4块CPU的。 so you are saying that it's normal (and right) that the installer found 2 cpus in my case because of HT?
i haven't try your suggestion yet, probably this night.one other situation i am facing is, when i tried to install redhat 8.0, the installer started from cdrom, but during the installation, it only gives me the option to install from hard disk. i am almost crazy about this installation.
btw, just add you to my msn contact list, if you don't mind.
have a nice day. sure. i never mind. Try to install from hard disk.