总提示:无法登入:协议不支持。我在msn底下有一大班人啊!怎么办呢? 0.64版本的据说是不行的拉,装个最新的gaim 我用过0.76的,说什么SSL问题,也是不行,而且QQ也不行,只好退化到0.64 怎么会呢?我在0。76下用QQ,没问题啊,你装的什么版本的? http://gaim.sourceforge.net/images/q.pngI just upgraded Gaim and the MSN plugin will not load. Why?
You did not compile with SSL support, or the SSL plugin failed to load. As of protocol version 9, the MSN protocol requires the use of SSL, which gaim provides by either GnuTLS or the combination of NSS and NSPR from the Mozilla project. Install one or both of these and recompile Gaim, and see the next question.
http://gaim.sourceforge.net/images/q.pngThe MSN plugin won't load, but I have Mozilla NSS!
http://gaim.sourceforge.net/images/a.pngSome distributions, including Slackware, install Mozilla NSS to a non-standard directory. The fix is simple. Edit /etc/ld.so.conf and add /usr/lib/mozilla-1.4 (or whatever version you're using, but it's usually 1.4) to the file, and run ldconfig as root. Then re-run configure and recompile Gaim. You may also need to specify where the include file are for NSS and NSPR, see ./configure --help for the options.
Mozilla 1.5 has a broken .pc file and does not install the necessary .h files, and so will not be detected.
See these notes on getting SSL to work with gaim. 我记得要装mozilla的ssl协议什么的~~~~ 我是空气…… :cry: 。。。具体的不知道。可是我的全都可以啊。。 我都说了,不是装GnuTLS就是装Mozilla NSS和NSPR ..... :evil: 可怜 visionalstar,我用rpm查了一下,你说的那两个我都装了:
# rpm -q mozilla-nss
# rpm -q mozilla-nspr
我怎么这么倒霉啊? 查查有没有具体的协议的包?去rpm查。 装个kopete 他是专门为msn开发的,我就用这个,不需要什么ssl库,但是没有头像的 你的mozilla-nss & mozilla-nspr太老了,另外,为了确保没有问题,最好从源代码编译安装gaim。