tozzq 发表于 2004-4-3 23:46:07


1、我的/home在单独的一个分区,是reiserfs格式的。内核升级完后发现/home里的文件夹变成了安装ml1.2pre5之前的数据。我安装ml1.2pre5前用的是fedora core1,安装ml1.2pre5时没有格式化/home。

conner 发表于 2004-4-4 01:15:08


樱家冢 发表于 2004-4-4 08:27:41


tozzq 发表于 2004-4-4 21:02:33

我是按照精华区的这篇文章装的: 安装kernel 2.6.4的整个过程。
刚开始学编内核,make xconfig看得我眼都花了! ^_^
刚才用2.6.0进去看了一下,发现/home里的文件又回来了,但是回2.6.4里/home还是fedora core1时的文件。

Solaris 发表于 2004-4-4 21:07:13


tozzq 发表于 2004-4-4 21:16:17


樱家冢 发表于 2004-4-5 10:08:51

That's quite nature, however u mount /home or not, it can be accessed.

tozzq 发表于 2004-4-5 20:55:45


lazyfai 发表于 2004-4-6 10:29:03

before you install ML, you have /home mounted under Fedora, with
some data, when you are installing ML, actually you HAVE NOT
mounted that "/home partition" due to missing reiserfs support in
kernel 2.6.0, after you upgrading to 2.6.4, you have added back
reiserfs support, so you now CAN MOUNT /home, so actually when
you are using 2.6.0, you are putting data on the partition same
as your "/" partition, and under 2.6.4 kernel, since "/home"
CAN be mounted, you can see Fedora's "/home" data in it.

tozzq 发表于 2004-4-6 13:02:52

before you install ML, you have /home mounted under Fedora, with
some data, when you are installing ML, actually you HAVE NOT
mounted that "/home partition" due to missing reiserfs support in
kernel 2.6.0, after you upgrading to 2.6.4, you have added back
reiserfs support, so you now CAN MOUNT /home, so actually when
you are using 2.6.0, you are putting data on the partition same
as your "/" partition, and under 2.6.4 kernel, since "/home"
CAN be mounted, you can see Fedora's "/home" data in it.


lazyfai 发表于 2004-4-6 14:48:54

yes! to see if i am correct, do this:
boot to 2.6.0, login as root, type "mount", see the output
and then boot to 2.6.4, login as root, type "mount",
see the output again.
you should see something like
/dev/hda4 on /home type reiserfs (rw)
under 2.6.4 but not under 2.6.0.

PS. sorry 对不起,我只能打英文,简体打的不太好。

before you install ML, you have /home mounted under Fedora, with
some data, when you are installing ML, actually you HAVE NOT
mounted that "/home partition" due to missing reiserfs support in
kernel 2.6.0, after you upgrading to 2.6.4, you have added back
reiserfs support, so you now CAN MOUNT /home, so actually when
you are using 2.6.0, you are putting data on the partition same
as your "/" partition, and under 2.6.4 kernel, since "/home"
CAN be mounted, you can see Fedora's "/home" data in it.


樱家冢 发表于 2004-4-6 15:45:38

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查看完整版本: ML1.2pre5升级到2.6.4出现奇怪的问题