ritou 发表于 2004-4-15 04:00:43


我的笔记本系统是Redhat 9.0, 升级内核到2.6.5后, 一切都很正常,就是动态IP有问题. 刚启动时还是可以的,IP地址可以获取,但用firefox大约2-3分钟,网就断了. 这时重新运行/etc/rc3.d/S10network restart可以恢复,但过了2-3分钟又断了.换成2.4.21启动,一切正常. 可见DHCP server是好的.

而且,用2.6.5在实验室启动 (实验室是指定IP, 不是动态IP), 也是正常. 看来kernel的驱动也没问题. 那只能是kernel支持动态IP的部分有问题了?但是又没有在网上发现与我有同样问题的贴子. 有的贴子说在2.6下,动态IP获取有问题,建议升级到dhclient3, 但我的dhclient已经是dhclient-3.0.1rc12-4, 而且可以获得IP就是不稳定. 实在是郁闷.

另外, 我的网卡是e100驱动的 (Intel eepro 10/100网卡), dhclient 版本是dhclient-3.0.1rc12-4.我还升级了redhat在2.6下的一些包


ritou 发表于 2004-4-17 04:38:05

Finally the problem was solved. For the guys who may have the similar problem:

The problem is not caused by the dhclient. It is reported that Intel Pro/100 NIC has the problem when performing high throughput (e.g., you open several links at the same time or download big files). In kernel log, the eth0 interfact randomly reports following message: "NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out". For users, network connection is lost spontanenously. After about 2 mins, the interface may restore by ltself.

After two days' struggling on www trying to find an answer :evil:, I got no lucky. Similar problems are reported but no solution or workround available yet. Finally, I decided to give a try to Intel offical driver (http://downloadfinder.intel.com/scripts-df/Detail_Desc.asp?strState=LIVE&ProductID=993&DwnldID=2896).
What surprised me is that although the driver is assumed to work with 2.4 kernels, it does work for 2.6.5 (and that is why I didn't come up to it when I met the problem).

To install the driver, compile the driver and it should be installed under the module directory of 2.6.5. Then backup the original e100.ko and rename the Intel driver from e100.o to e100.ko. Unload the old driver and load the new one. It works like a charm now!!!
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查看完整版本: 2.6.5顺利装上,但动态IP有问题.