yaekee 发表于 2004-5-1 10:42:48

How to compile a ko module

I want to only compile the ntfs .ko module, but when I compile the kernel, it only compile the .o modules, that can not be installed by new modprobe.
I has just installed Fedora Core2 Test3 version, but the precompiled kernel can not support the ntfs file system. When I use Core1, i can just download a rpm package to install that module from sourceforge.net. But I can not download that module now for this distribution. I also compile single ntfs module in Core1 by modifying.config file. But I find that solution can not work in 2.6.5 kernel. I also search the Internet, I follow the idea of them, but that can not work properly, his solution can work in Core2 Test2.
Someone can give me some advice to do it.

pinper 发表于 2004-5-1 18:10:06

你是怎么编译模块的?在编译时将ntfs选为模块,然后make modules;make modules_install就可以了,如果自己单独编译ntfs模块的话,用不起来的,因为modprobe用到的一些依赖文件并没有改

yaekee 发表于 2004-5-1 19:25:29

我使用make SUBDIRS=fs/ntfs modules 编译的,但是最严重的问题是无法编译成ko模块而是编译成了.o模块,同时我使用的配置模板是FC2自带的。如果能够编译为.ko,我倒也无所谓的。
我的操作系统为Fedora Core2 Test3。
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