>root noverify(hd0,0)
>chainloader +1
root noverify(hd0,0)
chainloader +1
之类的信息 装了FC2,为什么不能启动winxp?
照楼上的设置也不行.提示报错信息!! 装了FC2,为什么不能启动winxp?
照楼上的设置也不行.提示报错信息!! 装了FC2,为什么不能启动winxp?
照楼上的设置也不行.提示报错信息!! 可以参考老外给我的建议:
Note to dualbooters:
If you are dual-booting linux that uses the 2.6 kernel (Fedora Core 2 or
Mandrake 10) with Windows, then there is a significant risk the MBR may
be corrupted to the point that you can't boot into Windows anymore, if
you used linux partitioning tools to make the disk partitions.This is
because Windows uses old legacy disk geometry values (C/H/S) while the
2.6 kernel reports the newer ones. If you use Linux partitioning tools
(DiskDruid, parted, fdisk, etc.) to add or modify your partitions during
install, then it will write the partition table to the MBR in the new
format which Windows will not like.When you install GRUB or LILO to
the MBR, again there is a significant chance that Windows will not like
it what is written. Either windows will not boot at all or it will be
extremely slow.
So far, from my experience, the safest way of avoiding Windows problems
is to, before installing, make all your linux partitions within Windows
(using PartitionMagic or the free Ranish Partition Manager) and just let
linux install into them.There is much less chance that the linux
partitioning tools will write to the MBR (though in most cases, it
will).Then install GRUB or LILO on the first sector of your /boot
partition and use NTLDR to load linux.
The second (as-of-yet untested) option which seems like the most
effective way to prevent this problem is to pass the legacy C/H/S values
to the kernel during install and future bootups.The usual numbers for
H and S are 255 and 63 respectively (H is 244 for Thinkpad HDs).C can
be obtained from some Windows disk utilities like PartitionMagic,
PartitionInfo (which is free), or Ranish partition manager.When about
to boot into the install CDs, pass the kernel arguments:
substituting C for the actual number of legacy cylinders you have.This
will override what the 2.6 kernels reports (H=16) so that when the
install invokes linux partitioning tools like parted, the MBR will
(hopefully) be consistent.Then add this option in your grub.conf or
lilo.conf files so all future bootups will use these values.I've
tested the kernel arguments on my system and they appear to work (2.6
reports the legacy values now) so I'm mildly confident this will fix all
Note that not everyone seems to have problems so it may be hardware or
configuration dependent. Also, the 2.4 kernel does not have this
problem as it reports the old legacy disk geometries.
Some useful links:
修改.bashrc 添加
export LC_ALL=zh_CN
export LANG=zh_CN
1、终端下显示中文是乱码修改.bashrc 添加
export LC_ALL=zh_CN
export LANG=zh_CN
我试了,这个办法不行,改了后,我的xmms文件列表里都变成乱码了 1、终端下显示中文是乱码
修改.bashrc 添加
export LC_ALL=zh_CN
export LANG=zh_CN
Re: FedoraCore2正式版使用问题解决索引(补充中
5、我们在进行一些网站访问时也碰到了麻烦,解析特别慢,失败的机率相当大。问题是由Linux 2.6内核中一个叫做ECN(明确阻塞通知)的功能造成的,ECN可以让路由器向用户报告网络堵塞的情况,但ECN功能开启的时候,这也会令一些老的防火墙拒绝进行网络连接。为了关闭ECN,我们在/etc/sysctl.conf.文件中不得不添加了"net.ipv4.tcp_ecn = 0"的命令。
改了之后,速度还是很慢!有没有其的要设置啊 编译2。6。6内核有没有详细的方法。我编好了。在编的过程中没有提示什么错误。编了N久,但启动的时候就停在进入程序运行就不动了。 :cry: stardict不能用了,
有什么办法吗? stardict不能用了,
有什么办法吗? stardict不能用了
有什么办法吗? 我的xmms不能显示中文,选simsun字体也不行啊 我遇到的:
2.使用小企鹅后进入gnome极慢 修改.gnome2/session-manaul 把优先级改成50即可