发表于 2005-8-23 20:53:45
PS:不弄个长棍棍怕你记不住我 :mrgreen:
发表于 2005-10-21 21:26:35
上了昂达9550白金版(256m ddrII 3ns),感觉还是比较超值。顺便来灌水:mrgreen:
AMD Athlon(tm) xp 1700+
Internal Clock 1557 MHz (215x7.5)
Socket Designation Socket A
内存 256x2 ddr400
无奈的是cpu不够好,人家用athlon64 的默认就38xx了:neutral:
默认频率 :core 450mhz , mem 324mhz
3Dmark 2003
3DMark Score 3131 3DMarks Game Tests
GT1 - Wings of Fury 111.4 FPS Game Tests
GT2 - Battle of Proxycon 19.2 FPS Game Tests
GT3 - Troll's Lair 17.4 FPS Game Tests
GT4 - Mother Nature 20.4 FPS Game Tests
CPU Score 540 CPUMarks CPU Tests
CPU Test 1 57.7 FPS CPU Tests
CPU Test 2 10.0 FPS CPU Tests
Fill Rate (Single-Texturing) 916.8 MTexels/s Feature Tests
Fill Rate (Multi-Texturing) 1728.6 MTexels/s Feature Tests
Vertex Shader 11.6 FPS Feature Tests
Pixel Shader 2.0 27.7 FPS Feature Tests
Ragtroll 11.9 FPS Feature Tests
linux 下的doom3 800x600 medium quality
timedemo demo001
本来已经是9600的bios了 ,想看看用别的bios能不能提高性能,于是下了个华硕的9600xt 256m ,另外又找了 ati原厂 filegl t2 128m的(看了某些帖子说ati公版的9600改造成功率极大)的bios, 尽管我改了内存容量和内存时钟(twl什么的凡是有的都按原来的改了),结果两者都失败,(搞得要从废物堆中找出pci 的s3来救:D) 我想也许我的是ddr2的缘故,不能混用. 于是放弃了用别家的bios的想法
将频率提升到core 500,mem 350(2.8ns的水平了).结果很稳定,于是按了atitool 的find max mem,看着频率一直上到360,370还没事,吓得我赶快停了。于是上太平洋的产品论坛去看,发觉很多人都说上到790,800等。抱着怀疑的态度试了试,直接将其调到core 506,mem 392(784) ,3dmarks 03 跑了一篇,稳定,于是把他刷进了原来的bios
3dmark 03(506/391):
3DMark Score 3634 3DMarks Game Tests
GT1 - Wings of Fury 127.6 FPS Game Tests
GT2 - Battle of Proxycon 22.8 FPS Game Tests
GT3 - Troll's Lair 20.3 FPS Game Tests
GT4 - Mother Nature 23.5 FPS Game Tests
CPU Score 573 CPUMarks CPU Tests
CPU Test 1 61.4 FPS CPU Tests
CPU Test 2 10.6 FPS CPU Tests
Fill Rate (Single-Texturing) 1112.2 MTexels/s Feature Tests
Fill Rate (Multi-Texturing) 1966.2 MTexels/s Feature Tests
Vertex Shader 13.1 FPS Feature Tests
Pixel Shader 2.0 33.3 FPS Feature Tests
Ragtroll 14.1 FPS Feature Tests
linux 下doom3终于突破30fps
demo过程中看到画面卡的时候硬盘有些活动,看了看swap文件used 了 4xx k(of 512M) ,看来我的512内存对doom3的demo是有点不够了.不过也罢,玩的时候一般的场景除非怪物很多,都有60fps,满足了,所以没有再继续超(人家用p4用athlon64的测的42xx)
发表于 2006-6-12 18:23:34
我的是丽台A6600GT 刷高了一点点~~~~hoho~~~