请问.tar.bz2.sig是什么文件,怎样使用? 数字签名,用cat查看其他操作方法不知道 哦 我才见 :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: man gpg
-b, --detach-sign
Make a detached signature.
--verify []
Assume that sigfile is a signature and verify it without gen-
erating any output. With no arguments, thesignaturepacket
isread from stdin.If only a sigfile is given, it may be a
complete signature or a detached signature, in which case the
signedstuffisexpectedina file without the ".sig" or
".asc" extension.Withmorethan1argument,thefirst
shouldbeadetached signature and the remaining files are
the signed stuff.To read the signed stuff from stdin, use -
as the second filename.For security reasons a detached sig-
nature cannot read the signedmaterialfromstdinwithout
denoting it in the above way.
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