弱问; 如何调节在shell下 显示器的刷新率???!!!
如何调节在shell command line下 显示器的刷新率???!!!各位大虾帮帮忙亚,,现在屏幕只有60Hz 好闪的, 一般都是60的 什么是sell?卖? 不好意思写错了 :cry:
老大们有办法解决没有呀? 我也很想知道,很久很久以前我问过,都没结果。 :-(
modedb default video mode support
Currently all frame buffer device drivers have their own video mode databases,
which is a mess and a waste of resources. The main idea of modedb is to have
- one routine to probe for video modes, which can be used by all frame buffer
- one generic video mode database with a fair amount of standard videomodes
(taken from XFree86)
- the possibility to supply your own mode database for graphics hardware that
needs non-standard modes, like amifb and Mac frame buffer drivers (which
use macmodes.c)
When a frame buffer device receives a video= option it doesn't know, it should
consider that to be a video mode option. If no frame buffer device is specified
in a video= option, fbmem considers that to be a global video mode option.
Valid mode specifiers (mode_option argument):
with <xres>, <yres>, <bpp> and <refresh> decimal numbers and <name> a string.
Things between square brackets are optional.
To find a suitable video mode, you just call
int __init fb_find_mode(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var,
struct fb_info *info, const char *mode_option,
const struct fb_videomode *db, unsigned int dbsize,
const struct fb_videomode *default_mode,
unsigned int default_bpp)
with db/dbsize your non-standard video mode database, or NULL to use the
standard video mode database.
fb_find_mode() first tries the specified video mode (or any mode that matches,
e.g. there can be multiple 640x480 modes, each of them is tried). If that
fails, the default mode is tried. If that fails, it walks over all modes.
To specify a video mode at bootup, use the following boot options:
where <driver> is a name from the table below.Valid default modes can be
found in linux/drivers/video/modedb.c.Check your driver's documentation.
There may be more modes.
Drivers that support modedb boot options
Boot Name Cards Supported
amifb - Amiga chipset frame buffer
aty128fb - ATI Rage128 / Pro frame buffer
atyfb - ATI Mach64 frame buffer
tdfxfb - 3D Fx frame buffer
tridentfb - Trident (Cyber)blade chipset frame buffer
BTW, only a few drivers use this at the moment. Others are to follow
(feel free to send patches). Refresh rates
There is no way to change the vesafb video mode and/or timings after
booting linux.If you are not happy with the 60 Hz refresh rate, you
have these options:
* configure and load the DOS-Tools for your the graphics board (if
available) and boot linux with loadlin.
* use a native driver (matroxfb/atyfb) instead if vesafb.If none
is available, write a new one!
* VBE 3.0 might work too.I have neither a gfx board with VBE 3.0
support nor the specs, so I have not checked this yet. 也可以给内核打love-sources的补丁,然后重新编译安装 给个链接啊 :-D http://love-sources.sourceforge.net/
包含了vesafb的补丁 我下载了2.6.7-love8.bz2
这个就是补丁吗? 是的。patch到你的2.6.7源码里,然后按常规编译就行 谢啦!!
显卡现在是板载的sis显卡。 应该不会
PS:那个补丁就是把VBE升级到3.0的 我换过另外一部机就行了。也不知道是不是显卡的问题。