Mozilla 1.3a - Released December 13, 2002
这东西更新越来越快了 是阿,来不及了,先不升,等正式版
* Performance of forwarding inline messages in Mozilla Mail has regressed. It's already fixed in 1.3beta trunk builds so please don't report bugs on this. (bug 184550)
* On Mac OS X users can get into a state where the browser content area is filled with gray. This usually happens when the last focused element was an outliner widget (like the history window or the mailnews threadpane). (bug 181293)
* There are some circumstances which may prevent the build from starting completely with a particular user profile.
o If you have been using themes other than "Classic" or "Modern", this may be due to a bad entry in the chrome/chrome.rdf file in your user rofile. Try looking in <profileDirectory>/chrome/chrome.rdf for a set of lines that look like:
<RDF:Description about="urn:mozilla:package:chatzilla">
<c:selectedSkin resource="urn:mozilla:skin:modern/1.0:chatzilla"/>
If you are hanging and the 'selectedSkin' says something other than '' then edit that file when mozilla is not running and change it to 'modern/1.0'.
o It may be due to "corruption" of the fastload file. You can try to delete this file when mozilla is not running. Look in your user profile for a file called "XUL.mfl" on win32, "XUL.mfasl" on unix, or "XUL Fastload File" on Mac systems. .
* Searching Ebay may cause crashes or hangs for OS/2 users (and some MS Windows users?). (bug 184931) 呵呵,我被mozilla的问题搞得不爽了,还是要系统的东西。哎,这年头,升级就是一件很麻烦的事情。 不升级,好多问题也解决不了阿,咳,两难阿,呵呵 安装NETSCAPE很多问题不需要自己动手解决
FLASH,JAVA,AOL IM,ICQ全部解决 这个版本mozilla支持frame了马? netscape也一样,没什么区别 我现在用的正是1.3a mozilla 和 netscape 太大,很多功能都用不上,我平时还是喜欢 Phoenix,0.5 好像重写了界面的 XUI 代码,样子比以前漂亮很多 :^)
注意到 Phoenix-0.5 的关于了吗?
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.3a) Gecko/20021207 Phoenix/0.5
用的也是 mozilla 1.3a 的引擎哦 ;) 给各位老大提个问题: