(小弟初用linux,所以想在文件管理这方面和大虾们学学经验,谢谢赐教) 你可以在/mnt/下建立office,music之类的文件夹,并将这些分区挂到相应的文件夹下即可。 在自己的home目录里建立一些文件夹不就行了…… 讲讲linux和windows的区别,windows是只有一个目录你不能动(windows),其他的都可以。linux是只有一个目录你能动(你的home目录),其他的都不可以。从理论上讲,这是更安全的实现。至于怎样组织,你可以在你的home中建好多目录,比如我的截图 在fc中重装系统时会把用户主目录清空,我不知是不是fc某个版本的bug。所以不主张都放到主目录下。还是放到单独某个分区上保险些,以防意外 :mrgreen: if you are interested in Unix philosophy:
Each sub system is a snapshot of parent system. That is, if you create a "bin" directory in your home dir, the system(most linux distributions) will count it in its executable file search path. and also "lib" dir, "game" dir, "opt", "tmp"etc, etc. These are standard dirs in "/" dir.
Usually I keep my exec scripts in my ~/bin dir
a ~/tmp dir to compile oss souce packages.
a ~/opt dir to install the compiled packages
if you happened to configure some software package with prefix of your home, it will automatically create these directory for you: "bin" "lib" "libexec" "etc" "var". 我是把/home单独成分区