Re: 有点黏糊糊的,不透亮,没有winxp中的透明效果好
注意看任务栏的透明效果,非常的晶莹剔透。。。不觉得xp的透明效果好!现在的linux的美化效果明显已经超过xp了。 8) anyone felt the xcompmgr is quite buggy?
I was using xcompmgr CVS 1.27 , it has a nice "-f" flag which enables charming "fifo"(Fade in, Fade out)effect. But after some time when when I attemped to close any nautilus or firefox window, the X "hangs"(actually not hung, the X is still ok after I killed the xcompmgr process).
So I switched to CVS 1.26 which the translucent effect is much worse and there is no "fifo" effect. But it is quite stable with a patch contributed by some other user.
I have searched bugzilla in freedesktop.org for some days, seems a lot of ppl also have this problem. But till now(15/9/2004) there has no patch released for CVS 1.27 不知道耗资源不? 楼主,桌面旁的系统信息显示是什么软件?
Re: 有点黏糊糊的,不透亮,没有winxp中的透明效果好
呵呵, 明白你的意思. 知道为什么我的抓图上看起来没那么 "晶莹剔透" 么? 我想明
白了: 因为我还启动了阴影效果, 所以看起来有点偏暗, 而且 "透出" 后面窗口自己
的阴影. 俩效果叠一块儿就成这样子了.
等我把 gnome 2.8 装上之后, 我再抓几张不启用阴影的透明来和 nview 的透明
比较一把 :wink: 不知道耗资源不?
http://www.linuxfans.org/nuke/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=4153831#4153831 楼主,桌面旁的系统信息显示是什么软件?
:) 打开了阴影之后,mplayer可以全屏播放吗? 打开了阴影之后,mplayer可以全屏播放吗?
我的可以:) 奇怪,我一用全屏,整个屏幕会一片阴影,vlc 也可以全屏吗? 呵呵, 没用过 vlc, 我一般用 totem :) 全屏也没问题 和openmotif有些冲突,不过也不是完全冲突,运行maya的界面异常,而nedit就没有问题。 和openmotif有些冲突,不过也不是完全冲突,运行maya的界面异常,而nedit就没有问题。 I only perfer the shadow effect. Here is my desktop snapshot. It seems all right unless some programs which consum large resources is running.