我的机器是IBM T42p, 无线网络是802.11 a/b/g这里到处都是无线网络,基本上都是802.11b
希望能够找到一个很好的方法,在我更换地方的时候,可以方便的切换配置,多谢打下指点了。 帮你顶 8):arrow: who help me ah...
thx le... 我看到了一篇这样的文章,并且在我的DELL 300m上做成了。请给我来信:[email protected] 这是一个美国网友给我的来信:
Good news! I got the ipw2100 linux drivers working for the wireless card
in linux! I finally got around to installing Fedora Core 2 on my
computer, and as part of the process I tried out the centrino drivers.
They work great! I can even use kismet now.
I'll write up some more stuff on my web page soon, but in the meantime,
I used the directions exactly as this guy had posted:
http://www.ces.clemson.edu/linux/fc2-ipw2200.shtml (though using the
2100 drivers instead of the 2200 of course).
So far, Fedora Core 2 is working very nicely with the 300m. I haven't
fixed up ACPI yet, but otherwise things look good!
http://www.ces.clemson.edu/linux/fc2-ipw2200.shtml 我在这个BBS里发了一个详细的文章