KDE 发表于 2003-6-19 22:01:08

【the memory in my brain is small, maybe 640k?】
真的吗?你只要如此小的内存就可以处理如此高级的思维,你是哪个星球进化的?(好像来自 ms-dos 星)!?

Dragonfly 发表于 2003-6-19 22:06:04

yes, ms-dos. i keep swapping out what i learned. so many time, people ask me sth, i have to say, i learned that before, but it is already swapped out.

Austern 发表于 2003-6-20 01:45:02


Dragonfly 发表于 2003-6-20 09:21:35

u install it? what is u feeling about 2.5.72?

dalin 发表于 2003-6-21 18:35:57

yes, ms-dos. i keep swapping out what i learned. so many time, people ask me sth, i have to say, i learned that before, but it is already swapped out.
your memory is about 640K, and you maybe also havea 1T harddisk :mrgreen:

Dragonfly 发表于 2003-6-22 08:13:03

no, not that much. many thing i learned and then forgot. but i am lucky that i am learning linux and thus i do not forget much about it.

weigp 发表于 2003-6-22 17:27:18

:?   有没快点的站点下载内核,www.kernel.org 太慢了。

Dragonfly 发表于 2003-6-22 22:59:52

1) see if http://www.kernel.org/mirrors/countries/html/CN.html is faster.
we can setup a kernel mirror in cernet if u want. right? axin?

2) it is difficult for me. if i use chinese all day all time, my english will become worse. which i do not want to see.

powerme 发表于 2003-6-24 23:30:12


weigp 发表于 2003-6-25 10:22:39

Thanks a lot

andrew 发表于 2003-6-30 07:47:45


andrew 发表于 2003-6-30 07:59:00

# make xconfig
rm -f include/asm
( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
make -C scripts kconfig.tk
make: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.20/scripts'
gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -c -o tkparse.o tkparse.cgcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -c -o tkcond.o tkcond.c
gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -c -o tkgen.o tkgen.c
gcc -o tkparse tkparse.o tkcond.o tkgen.o
cat header.tk >> ./kconfig.tk
./tkparse < ../arch/i386/config.in >> kconfig.tk
echo "set defaults \"arch/i386/defconfig\"" >> kconfig.tk
echo "set ARCH \"i386\"" >> kconfig.tk
cat tail.tk >> kconfig.tk
chmod 755 kconfig.tk
make: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.20/scripts'
wish -f scripts/kconfig.tk
make: wish: Command not found
make: *** Error 127


x11 发表于 2003-6-30 19:58:14

没装tcl吧,试试make menuconfig

杨志全 发表于 2003-7-1 09:18:25

用make menuxconfig编译内核,试试

Dragonfly 发表于 2003-7-1 09:32:20

typo? no menuxconfig

only menuconfig or xconfig
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