tonnyxu 发表于 2004-10-24 16:48:18


各位,我用apt-get update之后得到了如下错误信息,不知道怎么办,请问如何解决?

Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
W: Release files for some repositories could not be retrieved or authenticated. Such repositories are being ignored.
W: There are multiple versions of "gpg-pubkey" in your system.

This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^gpg-pubkey$"; };

To disable these warnings completely set:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";

W: There are multiple versions of "freetype-devel" in your system.

This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^freetype-devel$"; };

To disable these warnings completely set:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";

W: There are multiple versions of "libselinux" in your system.

This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^libselinux$"; };

To disable these warnings completely set:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";

W: There are multiple versions of "qt-devel" in your system.

This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^qt-devel$"; };

To disable these warnings completely set:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";

W: There are multiple versions of "fontconfig-devel" in your system.

This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^fontconfig-devel$"; };

To disable these warnings completely set:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";
W: There are multiple versions of "freetype-demos" in your system.

This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^freetype-demos$"; };

To disable these warnings completely set:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";

W: There are multiple versions of "freetype-utils" in your system.

This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^freetype-utils$"; };

To disable these warnings completely set:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";

W: There are multiple versions of "fontconfig" in your system.

This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^fontconfig$"; };

To disable these warnings completely set:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";

W: There are multiple versions of "freetype" in your system.

This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^freetype$"; };

To disable these warnings completely set:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";

W: There are multiple versions of "qt-designer" in your system.

This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^qt-designer$"; };

To disable these warnings completely set:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";

W: There are multiple versions of "libXft" in your system.

This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^libXft$"; };

To disable these warnings completely set:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";

W: There are multiple versions of "qt" in your system.

This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^qt$"; };

To disable these warnings completely set:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";

W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

fox_eagle2003 发表于 2004-10-24 17:38:45

:P 请等等,我想想是什么回事,并请了debian区的版主linky_fan看看,可能过会就有结果了。

潇湘馆主 发表于 2004-10-24 17:42:44


tonnyxu 发表于 2004-10-24 17:45:41

可是他还说有多个freetype等。我用rpm -qa查的确有,但是rpm -e删除任何一个Freetype或者Fontconfig等(大都是一个firefly一个linuxsir的,当初可能没搞好),都会报错说有文件依赖该运行库~请问怎么办。

潇湘馆主 发表于 2004-10-24 17:57:41

这些"美化包"确实会添麻烦,看样子重装系统很实在 :mrgreen::mrgreen:

hew 发表于 2004-10-24 18:02:51

加 --force 强制删除。

tonnyxu 发表于 2004-10-24 18:03:57

:x 老大……介个……狠了点儿吧……

tonnyxu 发表于 2004-10-24 18:10:08


潇湘馆主 发表于 2004-10-24 18:10:08


linky_fan 发表于 2004-10-24 22:46:13



tonnyxu 发表于 2004-10-24 22:56:47


tonnyxu 发表于 2004-10-25 15:09:10

# rpm -qa gpg-pubkey

# rpm -e gpg-pubkey
error: "gpg-pubkey" specifies multiple packages

linky_fan 发表于 2004-10-25 15:28:54


tonnyxu 发表于 2004-10-27 03:18:36


W: There are multiple versions of "freetype-devel" in your system.

This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^freetype-devel$"; };

To disable these warnings completely set:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";

W: There are multiple versions of "libselinux" in your system.

This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^libselinux$"; };

To disable these warnings completely set:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";

W: There are multiple versions of "qt-devel" in your system.

This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^qt-devel$"; };

To disable these warnings completely set:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";

W: There are multiple versions of "fontconfig-devel" in your system.
This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^fontconfig-devel$"; };

To disable these warnings completely set:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";
W: There are multiple versions of "freetype-demos" in your system.

This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^freetype-demos$"; };

To disable these warnings completely set:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";

W: There are multiple versions of "freetype-utils" in your system.

This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^freetype-utils$"; };

To disable these warnings completely set:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";

W: There are multiple versions of "fontconfig" in your system.

This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^fontconfig$"; };

To disable these warnings completely set:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";

W: There are multiple versions of "freetype" in your system.

This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^freetype$"; };

To disable these warnings completely set:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";

W: There are multiple versions of "qt-designer" in your system.

This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^qt-designer$"; };

To disable these warnings completely set:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";

W: There are multiple versions of "libXft" in your system.

This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^libXft$"; };

To disable these warnings completely set:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";

W: There are multiple versions of "qt" in your system.

This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^qt$"; };

To disable these warnings completely set:

RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";

W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems

tonnyxu 发表于 2004-10-27 03:32:10

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查看完整版本: 使用apt-get得到如下信息不知如何处理