我的RH9的默认是English,看中文的网页去不是方快字,四个角都是数字或者字母,那位能指点一下?谢谢谢谢了~ Use Mozilla. I just use Mozilla,If there is something to do with the system default language? 在mozilla的general选项中有language,设置成zh-cn(simplify chinese)code设置成gb18030/gbk/gb2312三者之一
OK http://www.linuxfans.org/nuke/modules/Forums/files/websitechinese.jpg http://www.linuxfans.org/nuke/modules/Forums/files/chinese.jpg thank you,but at the login UI,when i want to choose Simple Chinese as the default langue,Howevery , the font here is wrong code too,What's the matter? setting the system font/code
system code:/etc/sysconf/i18n Ok,I will reboot my system to Linux and config it ,Thanks all!\ Because you don't have the font.
You should download a new version of Mozilla. LOOK Ok,I will first to config it ,if it doesn't work,i will download a new version ~ http://www.linuxfans.org/nuke/modules/Forums/files/mozilla_173.jpg 1.7.2??? Yes.
I am using Knoppix 3.6. :mrgreen::mrgreen: