zhuangcool 发表于 2004-11-13 10:41:18

Need Helpupdate pkgconfig

First, I am a greenhand of linux. My office computer runs RH 7.2, very old version. Many softwares require new versions of configurations.

Now my problem is I want to update the pkgconfig, old one is 0.7. I try to install pkgconfig-0.15.tar.gz. When "./configure", always stopped after
creating glibconfig.h
glibconfig.h is unchanged

After that I do make install, make, the pkgconfig is not updated.Even worse is that, I "rpm -e pkgconfig", there is no pkg-config available. I don't know what will happen, since this is office's computer. I do need a help!!!

thanks in advance.

linky_fan 发表于 2004-11-13 11:33:15

"rpm -e pkgconfig"

Because you use the source code to compile pkgconfig ,the rpm won't work while you want to "-e" the package.

zhuangcool 发表于 2004-11-13 11:50:24

i don't understand.
i should or should not "-e"?

now the problem add: try to install glib.2.x.x.tar.gz, when "./configure" , still stop by
"glibconfig.h is unchanged"

both glib & pkgconfig meet the same problem?
I am much confused.

linky_fan 发表于 2004-11-13 17:11:31

i don't understand.
i should or should not "-e"?

if you use "rpm -ivh xxx.rpm" to install the software, then use "rpm -e xxx" to uninstall.

if you use ".configure ; make ; make insatll" to install some software ,you can't use the "rpm -e xxx" to uninstall it because of the rpm database isn't include the name of the package what you want uninstall.

A way you can try is :
1, cd into the source directory which you use ".configure ; make ; make insatll" to compile a package.
2, try "make remove" or "make uninsatll", if a error occured ,that means the software you install before should uninstalled only by hand.

zhuangcool 发表于 2004-11-16 01:47:26

Thanks. I understand about the "-e" problem.

Another question is,while "./configure"
creating glibconfig.h
glibconfig.h is unchanged

the"./configure" stopped here.   and I try to "make", "make install", it appears to install. but after all, nothing happend.I try several times, all is the same.      
so why the glibconfig.h is unchanged? how can I fix it?

linky_fan 发表于 2004-11-16 21:03:04

the "./configure" stopped here.

Is there any errors occured (i mean that there is something unusual displayed)when you do "./configure"??

zhuangcool 发表于 2004-11-17 01:23:44

i think there is no other errors.type "./configure", everything goes smoothly, untill "glibconfig.h..." stopped.

is there any confilct if there is already a pkgconfig (installed by rpm)?

linky_fan 发表于 2004-11-23 11:20:46

if you want to rpm it ,use google :-D
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