我看这个版本有那么多开发软件,怎么我gambas装不上?奇怪的是红旗4.1竟然都能集成了它,http://gambas.sourceforge.net/What is that new animal ? Well, Gambas is a free development environment based on a Basic interpreter with object extensions, like Visual Basic™ (but it is NOT a clone !). Read the introduction for more information.
With Gambas, you can quickly design your program GUI, access MySQL or PostgreSQL databases, pilot KDE applications with DCOP, translate your program into many languages, create network applications easily, and so on...
类似 VB 的开发程序?
RF 居然集成了? 你用源代码编译吧,用起来还不错,只是编译出来的程序直接双点无法运行,必须在控制台下,或建立个快捷方式才行。 控制台下,或建立个快捷方式怎么做? 用快接方式,能用,不知道有没有什么不完善,先凑合着吧