mozilla1.2.1 bug?
各位,我刚装了mozilla1.2.1。kao,一打开新浪就玩完了。其他网站现在还没发现有什么问题。这到底是咋回事? I think it is probably caused by flash plugin, try other sites with flash files and you likely get it crashed again. It is not a mozilla problem, but comes from the plugin itself. u can either try flash plugin with lower version or simply delete it. Details refer to technical notes from web master of this site(can not remember which one is that :neutral: ).good luck. 我是没有这个毛病。但是加下flash插件后,游览器变得很慢,我真不想把flash插件删掉。 I reckon the problem comes when u install it. I installed it when 2 of its required chinese fonts are missing, so the plugin crashed whenever it loads these fonts. I don't have time to check it out, so make sure your system meets all the requirement of the installation. Anyway, it also may not be the cause, as I have no korean fonts on windows 98, but ie can still deal it correctly.emm, get confused.
我没有装flash plugin。是不是mozilla自带的?如果是自带的,那我怎样可以删了它? mozilla本身是不带flash插件的。我想你的情况和flans插件是一点关系也没有了。