操作系统为英文,安装了几个不同的输入法在Gnome下都调不出来,在Kde下可以看见输入法栏目,但是仍认无法输入汉字。据说修改xinitrc,请指点。 英文操作系统怎么显中文呢?:lol: export LC_CTYPE=zh_CN
export XMODIFIER=@im=你的输入法
当然前提是你的可用的locale中有zh_CN,还要有中文字体。 SCIM1.x的新功能:
export GTK_IM_MODULE="scim"
不管什么语言环境都可以ctrl-space使用scim, 我现在就是这样 SCIM1.x的新功能:
export GTK_IM_MODULE="scim"
不管什么语言环境都可以ctrl-space使用scim, 我现在就是这样
似乎连export都不用,运行一下scim,启动就能用 中文环境可以
英文环境在右键菜单->input method->scim可以选择,这是gtk2新功能
但有些程序(如mozilla),没有右键菜单,export以后默认输入方式为scim I can not find a valid link for scim download anywhere on the internet. Could anybody post a link for me?
What's more, when I tried to install skim, it says qt>3.2 is needed. I found a qt-x11-free.3.3.3.tar.gz something, and installed it, but it still tells me that Qt not found on the system. What is wrong?
Thanks. Please tell me if Scim 1.x is the same with Skim 1.x. thanks.