发表于 2003-10-7 18:23:54
Dear girlexplorer:
引用:微软服务器采用的 Windows 操作系统是绝对安全、绝对稳定、无懈可击的。
还有,ms的web服务器肯定不是全球数据吞吐量最大的服务器,不要以为ms占95%以上的PC OS份额,ms的web网站就会有相应的访问量,除非你有95%以上的时间在网上访问ms的网站。随便说两个吧 yahoo, google
建议:microsoft is micro's soft , not big soft or huge soft ,it can do a lot of things, but not all things it can do. meanwhile, it always can't do everything best that it can do. of couse, linux is not a kind of OS with no short or can do everything. if you want to know what OS is. please read some book about Operation System. for all, you write the text with WindowsXP and IE, but you need to know , computer is not only the Wintel , your ISP , use some kind of Unix, you bank ,use some kind of Unix, your telephone server, use some kind of unix, if you traval by car, you car or train or plane have computer but have not window, your stock data, your money date all be protected by some unix system. what is strong, these system is strong, a web site stop some hours or days can not compare with your money lose or someone steal your stock use computer. |