Whether you meant to start OpenOffice of the Hard Drive by clicking the .doc file on a browser. It works on the main system (the Linux box). I have no idea whether it also works on LFS LiveCD. Because the environment of the PC (the Host) and LFS LiveCD are different. I think I have to "chroot" / to PC environment. I'll try later.
Why not take a look at Abiword if you read Engish DOC.
Abiword is not included on LFS LiveCD. Also the small software "mc-midnight commander" is not included. "mc" can read .doc files if I remember correctly. What I need is to READ .doc files not to EDIT them. Also I can't read .pdf files and Chinese on LFS LiveCD. Unless I Remaster it otherwise I can't use LFS LiveCD to build LFS. I'll use Knoppix instead.
I'm now anwsering this posting on LFS LiveCD just like working in darkness.