发表于 2005-10-12 19:13:16
LINUX USERScat flashlinux-0.3.4-RC2.iso-part1 flashlinux-0.3.4-RC2.iso-part2 flashlinux-0.3.4-RC2.iso-part3 > flashlinux-0.3.4-RC2.isomd5sum -c flashlinux-0.3.4-RC2.iso.md5the computer should respond with;flashlinux-0.3.4-RC2.iso: OKyou can double check md5 sum's here if you really want to.WINDOWS USERSWindows users find that they won't have a "cat" command unless they use cygwin."mattseddon" reports however that this should work; (thanks Matt!)copy /B flashlinux-0.3.4-RC2.iso-part1+flashlinux-0.3.4-RC2.iso-part2+flashlinux-0.3.4-RC2.iso-part3 /B flashlinux-0.3.4-RC2.isoYou now have an ISO image of the installation / Live CD. Next we need to "burn" this image to a CD-ROM or CD-RW.
There are many ways of doing this, so we'll pick a method using a Linux application called XCDRoast.
Run XCDRoast as "root" and click on the Setup button.
Click on HD Settings and add the path to your newly downloaded Flash Linux ISO
Click Ok, then Create CD
Now click on Write tracks
In the right hand pane, select your FlashLinux .ISO file and then Accept track layout
IF you are using a CD-RW, click on Blank CD-RW
Now click on Write tracks at the bottom of the screen
Once this operation complete, you should have a Flash Linux CD that's ready to roll .. |